Medicca Press PublishingPublishing High Value, India-centric Handbooks Covering Key Clinical Areas


We publish extremely high-value, India centric handbooks that cover key clinical topics.

Created especially for practicing physicians, these books help them stay abreast of the latest advancements in diagnosis, symptom management and more – all focused on the present Indian context. We also help physicians and pharma clients with creating manuscripts for publication in journals. These manuscripts may be a review article on a drug/medical device, a therapy area, or an original research article of a prospective/retrospective clinical study, a pharmacovigilance study, a physician clinical practice study about a specified disease, or a drug usage audit study. We do undertake publishing consensus documents based on the proceedings of an advisory board meeting. Our services include selecting the journal, developing the manuscript in accordance with the requirements of the journal and help the author compile all necessary documents to submit the manuscript to the journal.

